6 Top Tips on completing an online application form

It’s all in the preparation. I know you’ve heard this before but it is definitely true when completing an online application form.


  1. Set aside at least 30-45 mins to complete the application form. Read through the sections at least twice so you have a clear understanding of each of the question headers and what they are looking for.
  2. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT be tempted to cut, copy and paste your CV into the most relevant sections – this is not what they are looking for.
  3. Print off and read through the Job Description. Do the same with your Dynamic CV which you will now have updated from my previous blog! Look at the Job Description and highlight the key points and the main attributes of the Job Description, then compare this to what you can do.
  4. Complete each section as thoroughly as possible. Keep your sentences concise, clear and well structured. Use the STAR model (Situation, Task, Actions and Result) to lay out your answers. Please write out your answers to each section and proof read and check to ensure you are answering the question. Then once you are happy put this answer into the relevant box.
  5. Just as you have completed the application you come across the last stumbling block the dreaded section for additional information. By this point most people have given up and generally just write a repetition of what they have already included in the other sections. Use this section to sell yourself, make yourself stand out from all of the other applicants. Use this as an opportunity to highlight why you are the right person for the role. Again wherever possible link this back to the Job Description and use real examples and previous experience to back up your statements in this section. Again use the STAR Model to complete this. This is where you can make yourself memorable – do you have any hobbies or interests that would make you stand out? Do you do any volunteer or charity work? Do you do any night classes, further education? Are you learning another language? Spend time on this section and don’t rush it.
  6. Remember to save your answers to the online application form and from there you can build up your own library of answers. This means each time you complete an application form you have somewhere to start from and not a blank sheet of paper.

For further information and some more practical advice visit my website